
Never Say Diet

Hello friends~

It finally feels summery here on the Jersey Shore!

And right in time, Women’s Health Magazine just published the Body Issue. A slender, beautiful Hillary Duff is featured (varying images – this is just one) and she’sNO DIET FEATURE e1653407580624quoted saying, “I’m proud of my body”. Who wouldn’t be? She’s had 3 kids and kudos to her. Btw postpartum bodies can be strong and fit at a variety of shapes and sizes. With smart coaching, you can get strong and fit at any time in life. I’m a certified Pregnancy And Postpartum Athleticism Coach – if you have had a baby you are postpartum forever.


Hilary Duff Strips Down for Nude Magazine Cover
Source: US Magazine

Media is sending a body-positive vibe, urging love “your body”, but there’s a conflicting message.

Diverse bodies are represented in this issue, but there’s still idealization of one type, as represented on the cover and elsewhere in this article.

Be damn proud of your amazing human body.

Take care of it as well as you take care of other people in your life, or at least as well as you take care of your car.

Hillary had an eating disorder, and she seems to be doing well now. Happy for her. But for many women could this kind of image lead to disordered eating, or effect self-esteem – which will likely lead to poorer health?

Right now we are in the throes of the pre-summer diet blitz. CHANGE YOUR BODY before you hit the beach.

Ignore fads. Ditch diets.

The alluring promise of success is based upon “science” and “evidence”, but if these diets worked for everyone there would be no disease or obesity. There’s research to support intermittent Fasting, timed nutrient release, Keto, Paleo, or even the science of 2 full days of fasting each week. But are any of these sustainable or even healthy over the long term?

Then there are articles citing science to totally debunk a diet.

What to do?

Nutrition – About 80% of health benefits are based upon the quality and quantity of food you consume.

So you’ve come to the right place. As a certified Precision Nutrition Coach I’ll work with you to create a personalized plan taking into consideration food preferences and culture, food allergies, and your family, social and support system.

If you think there’s a need to take a look at your nutrition, let’s do it together.



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