New Years Resolutions Don’t Work

Hello friends~

Here we are again. Another new year!

But what’s really so special about January 1st? I mean I get it, a fresh start on the first day of the year seems like it could be a good idea.

But those who feel the need to make health changes at the start of a new year are vulnerable – possibly feeling discouraged, or don’t know how to start.

There’s a huge industry preying upon you, and it’s happy to exploit your vulnerability.

Don’t fall for false promises and fads.

Diets don’t work.

Here we are looking at 2022. Let’s not focus so much on losing weight, and instead on learning how to get strong, move better, get healthy, and feel your best.

Deep health is a concept in Precision Nutrition coaching that’s about “transforming short-term fitness goals into life-changing results.”

Love your body and everything it can do for you.

Gukm polli running on winter beach

Let go of:

How much you weigh


How you can get stronger

How you can learn healthy eating habits

GUKM polli chopping greens with pasta maker

Sketch out a plan, and establish a measurable goal. The most effective way for you succeed with your plan, and to reach your goal is with a support system.

As a certified Precision Nutrition Coach I can help you learn how to “thrive, in all aspects of life.”

I’m here for you. And so are lots programs trying to sign you up – you decide. Get informed, and take the first step. You’re so worth it.

Start building habits of good health now. You’ll thank yourself for that.

healthy habits



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