Let’s get this straight right now. It’s not your fault.
You are not to blame, and your lifestyle is NOT the reason you have perimenopause symptoms. There is no “should”, and there is no “right” way to manage hormone fluctuations.
Perimenopause is 100% natural, and every woman will go through it. It’s not a reflection of your current or past decisions. It’s a biological phase of life.
Are you seeing the same things about perimenopause that I see on socials? Let’s stop opening those posts and feeding the algorithm. It’s a big business lately, and you don’t have to buy into it.
20 years ago in 2005 I had no idea I was going through perimenopause, with irregular periods, sweating, anxiety – I thought it was a result of stress in the midst of raising 6 kids and divorce, and I blamed myself for not getting proper nutrition, and missing my daily runs. I’m here now to expel any thoughts that you are responsible for your hormone fluctuation symptoms. I need to say thank you again to my progressive doctor who listened to me, and against the later much criticized Women’s Health Initiative of 2002, prescribed topical estrogen gel and progesterone.
I will not say that every single symptom magically disappeared, but my quality of life was vastly improved by enabling me to stay focused, find equilibrium, and sleep without waking up drenched in sweat multiple times each night.
Every woman goes through hormone fluctuations through perimenopause over time – even 10 years of more. The symptoms are not a result of missing time at the gym, or dietary choices. Estrogen level plummets through perimenopause. Period. No pun intended. There is still a huge lack of research on perimenopause, but it’s finally beginning to change. This hilarious video…perimenopause “IS IT??”
Perimenopause symptoms are not punishment for your lifestyle choices. Beware of influencers asserting that your lifestyle or choices are responsible for perimenopausal hormonal imbalances. They’ll make you feel more frustrated and anxious, make you want to try to “fix” your symptoms, so you’ll be more vulnerable and more likely to become a victim of scam programs or products.
Social media and advertising would like you to have negative feelings about yourself so they can sell you their remedy. Negativity is a stressor, which leads to other hormone responses and a spiraling effect – negative feelings can make us want to buy stuff to alleviate those feelings.
There is no single, one-size-fits all solution for managing perimenopause. If symptoms are having a serious, disruptive effect on your life, ask your doctor if Menopause Hormone Therapy (MHT) could be effective for you. If your doctor hesitates – still influenced by the WHI (Women’s Health Initiative of 2002 mentioned above), seek out another opinion. Take a look at this excellent CBC News Video with Dr Jen Gunther. Current menopause research.
Some survival tips: Yes, a healthy diet, “regular” exercise (resistance/weight training a couple of times a week; some cardio), and breath work and meditation can play a role in helping to manage symptoms of perimenopause, but every woman is different, and each woman experiences different symptoms (and varying severity) over the time of perimenopause.
I know…all the things: Get fiber. Shoot for 30g of protein in each meal. Check your vitamin D. Limit sugar, but don’t eliminate every sweet you love, and definitely don’t avoid fruit. Decide if alcohol might be disrupting sleep. Bone density can be affected during perimenopause with the drop in estrogen, so move your body against resistance to help reduce the possibility of fractures. But remember, even though it’s all good for you, none of it is a guaranteed remedy for perimenopause/menopause symptoms.

Bottom line: Rely on real science, education, and get solid support from professionals you trust.
If you’re interested in upgrading an exercise program, learning about refining your nutrition, and feeling empowered in life, I’m here for you.
You deserve it.