
Summer break!

Hi friends~

Our family reunion in upstate New York this past weekend was at my sister and brother-in-law’s house this year, instead of here in Asbury Park, and it was an awesome time. Not just because we weren’t hosting 😉

The Hudson Valley is so beautiful, the cool laid back vibe, woods, farms is a great tradeoff for the ocean. And they’re awesome hosts. About a dozen members of the family couldn’t make it, including a few of my kids and their spouses and kids, and I understand, but we surely missed them.

I’ll be taking a break from writing this week and next week, while we’re hosting 2 tiny grandkids at our house in NJ. I raised 6 kids but honestly I don’t know how I did it and survived – and so did they!

My son, his wife and baby are also visiting, and then we’re heading back up north to the Adirondacks next weekend to visit more kids.

Here’s a sampling of some of the fun this weekend!

Love, and onward~


Silly fam reunion 2023
Family reunion photo 2023!


Polli with linden in pool
After this photo he got so brave – jumping off the diving board!


Polli and Stefan push ups with kids
Planking and pushup fail with a 40lb kid on my back – easy for my strong, strong son!


Polli and kids at rainbow
A rainbow!


Polli standing with kids


Kids on polli
Climbing on Gami is always a fun activity!


Polli and michael walking with stroller
Hikes are the best.


Kids sleeping on lawn
Back home in New Jersey tuckered out on the front lawn ❤️❤️

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