The Voice In Your Head

Fear disguises its voice. It whispers convincingly, with concern about failure or injury, resulting in uncertainty, lack of confidence – leading to paralysis, lack of attempting anything at all, or being guarded, leading to failure and injury.

Fear is clairvoyant, smoothly insisting that it can predict the future. You’ll fail. You’ll be injured. You’ll look ridiculous.

Fear pretends to know you and defines you with (fill in the blank) bad back-knees-shoulders-feet. Not athletic. Fat.

Fear pretends to want to protect you by predicting the difficulty, pain, risk of the new thing you were thinking about trying.

Fear’s voice calls upon experts in our lives who know all about failures and injuries of the past, establishing boundaries,  preventing progress.

Fear’s voice is urgent and says STOP.

There’s another voice that’s patient, a steady hum in our heads. It consistently says you can. It says do it. It says keep going.

That voice is the real you, your essence, your spirit saying you are capable, strong, resilient, willing.

It’s a continual competition between the voices, minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day. Which voice wins?

GUKM Polli slumped over rower at Cryolete



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