

I want to live long of course, but I want to live well while I’m at it.

As I tend to say constantly, strength is everything. But I’m sorry, that’s not completely accurate. I plan to be unstoppable.

So much of living life well is mindset.

I’ve been listening to the amazing, unstoppable Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ podcast Julia Louis-Dreyfus podcast, Wiser Than Me.

The common thread in the episodes is that these women all say they are NOT DONE. They’re in their 80s and older, and all have a mindset of resilience, durability, and forward thinking. They are unstoppable.

Julia brings her warmth and humor to interviews with Sally Field, Julie Andrews, Billie Jean King, and Gloria Steinem. Julia is 61 and her Mommy, Judith is 90, and they chat together after every show. She obviously includes her mom among wiser women.

Julia surrounds herself with women she admires who talk about their journeys and share what they’ve learned, and what they’re still learning, and she’s invited us to the get-together. As if they’re out for coffee or a glass of wine, she asks personal, probing, and respectful questions, sometimes like a gushing fangirl.

I love the Wiser than Me podcast, and I hope you give it a listen and let me know what you think.

We benefit from hanging around with women who are wiser than we are.

Who you spend time with reveals who you are and determines who you will become. My life is enhanced being in the company of women who are smarter than me, who experience, question, and learn, and often unknowingly impart their wisdom for me to apply to my own life.

I’m also inspired when I read about women who are quite literally unstoppable. Here’s a great story…


Unstoppable Emma

Click that link – there is SO much more to her story!

When Emma Rowena Gatewood was 67 she told her grown children she was going out for a hike, and they didn’t think much of it.

In 1950, Emma read a story in the National Geographic that would play on her mind for the next five years. The idea of a hike on the Appalachian Trail ignited something unstoppable in her. The article described the famous 2,168-mile trail stretching from Mount Oglethorpe in Georgia to Mount Katahdin in Maine.
The article also said that no woman had ever completed the entire hike.
After years of abuse, divorce, and raising 3 children alone, in 1955, she decided the time was right to embark on her hike with no hiking boots, no backpack, no compass, no sleeping bag.

Wearing Keds tennis shoes and packing a blanket, raincoat and plastic shower curtain, she set off.

By the age of 75, she had completed the hike three more times, breaking records as she went.

When a reporter asked why she hiked the Appalachian Trail, she said “because I wanted to”.

I hope you decide to do something just because you want to, and that you don’t stop. It doesn’t have to be a 2000 mile hike to be just the right thing for you.

I also hope you find some wiser women to hang out with.







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