We need heroes.

Hello my friends~

This is a new feature in Thoughtbox – My Heroes.

I wore this tank top in sessions last week. You might have been there when I talked about it.

Polli not today tank top

@run_kiwi_run has been my hero since I heard this incredible story of grit and guts in 2017.

I’ve been sharing her inspirational story of strength and determination again.

Not today mother f***er!

💪That red line image on the tank top shows the GPS of her fighting for her life. She stopped during a training run to use a restroom in a park in Seattle, and an attacker was hiding inside. She kicked, punched, scratched, on the floor, up again, and used every tactic she had just learned in a self defense class fighting for her life, screaming “not today mother f***er!”

💪The immediate takeaway is that we all need to learn self-defense.

💪And it’s time right now to empower yourself with personal and physical strength – mental and physical – to deal with anything.

Get strong and you’ll be ready.

Not Today Mother Fu**er

Are you strength training?

Or have you found yourself saying:

  • “I’m doing pretty good, but I have a knee (shoulder, hip, neck, back) issue right now so I can’t work out”
  • “I don’t have time.”
  • “I don’t feel motivated.”

Or even, “I’ll start working out when I lose some weight.”

It’s time to get strong right NOW. 

Look for stories of my heroes each month, and share your own in comments.






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