We’re not getting out alive.

Hello friends~

Sounds like a scary Halloween movie title.

But truth. No one knows how long life is going to be.  It can end suddenly, or gradually, and no matter which, it’s is about making the most of the time we have right now. We can choose to be conscious, and responsible about the choices we make.

Be in charge of yourself.

Have you seen the story about the 104-year-old retired telephone operator, Dorothy Hoffner, who did a record-breaking skydive at age 104?

Being her second jump (the first at age 100), she wanted “to lead the jump, rather than be pushed out”. And she did. Then she died peacefully a week later.Dorothy’s life ended on a high note, literally.

She was completely in charge.

Skydiving isn’t remotely on my bucket list, but I plan to live the hell out of the remaining hours, days, weeks, and years, right up to the end by staying physically and mentally strong. Brain and body working together, alive until I’m not.

scientific american

Strength training was my skydiving, and it scared the crap out of me.

20 years ago, at 50 I was divorced with 6 kids. Weeks were filled with all manner of community/school service, homework, music lessons, and I was damn stressed, not sleeping, and unaware that hormone fluctuations with perimenopause were a huge component. For years I had considered running my sport and I wasn’t even running any more. On the advice of a therapist I hired a strength coach, which I thought was a silly luxury, and I admit that I was scared.

I had never touched a kettlebell, dumbbell, or barbell, and although I thought I knew about nutrition, I knew next to nothing about my body, except that it ached most of the time.

I kept at it, worked through failures, got sore, recovered over and over, and got strong. Strength taining changed my life, and it can change yours.

Scary is getting old and feeble.

We’ve been brainwashed by a healthcare industry (sickcare industry) conditioning us to believe we’re helpless to take care of our own bodies with the ubiquitous “ask your doctor” commercials for meds, plus a huge array of procedures and practitioners promising to fix us.

That therapist was way ahead of her time. Stength is everything.

We don’t have to be at the mercy of the system. We can take responsibility for ourselves.

We don’t have to be helpless, resigned, or in fear of living our last years in pain or disability. 

Lead to the jump. Take charge. Get strong. You got this.






6 Responses

  1. Excellent newsletter Polli! I like how you point out that we are never “too old” to start and can start over in the face of failure as many times as we need to. Thanks for sharing that aspect of your journey.

    1. Thanks for reading Ed, and for your thoughtful comment. It’s never too old to start getting stronger. We can build muscle forever. Onward!

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