Now and Now

before and after lost my watch

I really hate these kinds of motivational phrases. “2021 prepared us for 2022”. Or not. “Make the most of the journey”. “Have fun!” Or not. . But I really like these: Today is the day we have, right now. Now is better than later. Perfect is an illusion. We all get the same number of […]

New Years Resolutions Don’t Work

healthy habits

Hello friends~ Here we are again. Another new year! But what’s really so special about January 1st? I mean I get it, a fresh start on the first day of the year seems like it could be a good idea. But those who feel the need to make health changes at the start of a […]


Polli star jump in front of carousel

Resilience is the process of being able to adapt to stress and bounce back quickly. It’s a good thing that I have a capacity for chaos because that’s the way it was raising 6 kids. Snow day. Sick kid. No school. Pivot. It builds and escalates between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Adaptation -> resilience, rewind and repeat. […]

You Are SO Worth It

Copy of Polli feeling crappy 1

You’re Not Alone. I use social media in my strength and fitness business, and I’m bombarded by filtered images of slick bodies in almost unimaginable poses, usually wearing very little clothing. This unrealistic imagery can sabotage health and wellness, and is known to be detrimental to mental health. Fitness inspiration #fitspo and “thinspo” content can […]

What’s Adaptation?

GUKM polli backsquat cropped

Adaptation… or plateau? The human body has an incredible capacity to adapt to all kinds of stressors. Biological adaptation occurs in the short term when we sweat on a hot day. Over the long term humans have adapted in height and skin color. What about adaptation to exercise? If we exercise regularly, and vigorously enough, […]

The Voice In Your Head

GUKM Polli slumped over rower at Cryolete

Fear disguises its voice. It whispers convincingly, with concern about failure or injury, resulting in uncertainty, lack of confidence – leading to paralysis, lack of attempting anything at all, or being guarded, leading to failure and injury. Fear is clairvoyant, smoothly insisting that it can predict the future. You’ll fail. You’ll be injured. You’ll look […]

The Human Machine

polli ballet beach 1

Gardening was my thing for a long time; hauling stones, pushing wheelbarrows, planting trees, and dragging hoses while my kids played on the backyard swings and sandbox. I ran whenever I could, did some local races, rode bikes with kids, and even took ballet classes (the worst ballerina!). Incapacitating back pain was a shock. I […]

The Most Misunderstood Machine In The Gym

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The rowing machine is changing its reputation as the most underrated machine in the gym. And its about time! The rowing machine, also known as the rower, ergometer or erg, has too often been neglected on the gym floor, but rowing has been surging in popularity, now being called the new Spinning. Rowing is a great […]

Hormones Run The Show – Overtraining And Recovery

polli hot rowing

Hormones run the show. Not just sex hormones-ALL 50 of them. When there’s stress on the systems, the endocrine system kicks in to do its jobs. Stress is affecting us from everywhere – weather, the food we eat (or don’t eat), hydration, how much sleep we get, our relationships, our jobs, and yes, training and […]